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Saturday, July 16, 2011

*Pou Ki Sa Wap Al Ayiti?

*All of My blog post titles will be in Creole (Google Translate has Haitian Creole)

Although many have been supportive about my decision to go to Haiti for 5 months, everyone I spoke to had questions.

1.What are you going to be doing?
I will be working as the house coordinator; my duties will entail helping the teens at the house with their school work, tutoring them in English.  Co-managing the staff that work at the house (cook, cleaner).  Attending at births (I'm sooo looking forward to this!)  Hosting prenatal classes and monthly community education classes.

2.What about finding a job here?
Now that I am done with undergrad, I started looking for a full-time job with no luck.  When this opportunity arose, I knew that it was the perfect timing and it fell right in line with my passion for Haiti, women, education and midwifery.  I also strongly believe that my experience in Haiti will make more more marketable and provide me with invaluable skills that I previously lacked.

3.Are you going to be safe?
Yes, I will be perfectly safe.  Contrary to what the media portrays, Haiti is not anymore violent than the US.  In fact the violent crime rate for Haiti is very low, especially in comparison to smaller states here in the US, and the fact that there is not a strong police system in place or a very stable government.  Also, I will be in a small town where it is very quiet and peaceful; plus I'm my mom's only child and my father's first born I'll be just fine ;)

4.How will you survive?
Good question!  This is a volunteer position, which means that I will not receive any compensation other than the price of my flight once my volunteer session is over.  I will be using my savings for daily living, but I am also fundraising for the trip.  I would love your support if you are so inclined.

5.Why are you staying for that long?
I am spending 5 months because I think the longer I stay, the more worthwhile my experience will be and the more help I can provide to the organization and the many girls and women that I will be working with.  I also think that my lengthy stay will allow me to become part of the community, and to take away a lot of knowledge from the director and her team about midwifery, Haiti and her people.


  1. Such a blessing to be able to contribute to your near and dear Chere Ayiti!! I am extremely excited that you are able to take this journey. Looking forward to virtually taking this journey with you, and learning from your experiences! Bonne Chanse <3
