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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Ou Gele Pat Konnen

Hope you all had a great weekend.  I just wanted to share some info about myself, that you may not have gleaned from reading the blog.  Hold on tight, you might be in for some surprises.

1. I've been detained at Haitian customs :/
2. My favorite part of traveling is the anticipation before takeoff
3. I was kidnapped as a child
4. I am not full if I don't have rice with my meal
5. I secretly hate Malta (malt drink preferred by many in the Caribbean, and her diaspora)
6. I prefer mai moulen (polenta/cornmeal) to rice
7. I love all Haitian music except for Rap Kreyol and Ragga

Have I shocked anyone, or is all of this believable?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Men Mwen

Hi all,
This is my first official vlog!  I just wanted to take some time out to express my appreciation to you all for continually tuning in.  Let me know if there is anything in particular you would like to see on the blog, or if there are any specific vlogs you would like me to do.

*Must work on editing videos :/

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ayiti P'am

Hi everyone!
While brainstorming post topics, I realized there was nothing pressing that I wanted to address. So if you don't mind, I put together some pictures from my numerous trips to Haiti. These pics are a glimpse into the Haiti that I know and love. Hope you enjoy. I love your comments, so let me know what you think or if you have any memories of Ayiti cherie.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ke'm Kontan

Hi all,
I hope you guys had a wonderful weekend. I was sitting in my room last night, and this stillness and sense of peace came over me. Not only am I excited about my impending trip to Haiti, but it feels like something I am doing and claiming as opposed to something that has happened to me by chance. I'm a big fan of analogies, so here goes one. I see this situation like I'm a sailor and the current has been a little rough and has beat up my boat a bit, along with getting off course. After a bit of fighting with the helm (steering wheel), I've gotten back on course and the sun shines down so well that I can see my destination directly in front of me.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Eske atizana ayisyen se atizana vre?

Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved the arts. I love music, paintings, poems and the theater. However, I've grown to realize that not everyone's art is represented, and not all art is considered art. In the case of Haiti, I've seen people describe her art as "primitive" or "naive" which to me implies that Haitian art is fixed/stagnant and that there will not be any growth or movements to inspire a new wave of painting or the ingenuity to work with different mediums.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

*Updated---> Pale Franse pa di lespri pou sa

I'm part of several social networks, including Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, I'm a member of a Haitian Facebook group. A couple days ago, I suggested that if people are posting documents in French or Kreyol, that they should also provide an English translation or a link for people to translate it themselves. I surprisingly received mixed reactions. Below are screenshots of the convo. That post is what brought today's topic to mind.

 French was the primary and only official language in Haiti for a very long time. However there was a movement to recognize Kreyol as an official language as well, partly because the majority of the population does not read, speak or write French. Kreyol was legally recognized as an official language in 1987. French is the language of instruction in Haitian schools however I think there is often a disconnect because most students are not using the language in their home lives.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Pye pa gen rasinn, tout moun ka tonbe - Feet have no roots, everyone can fall

This proverb makes me think of Haiti and all that has been happening. "Natural disasters" in other lands also come to mind, although they most likely are not natural, but man made. To me this proverb means that no one is exempt from suffering. I think it is often too easy to feel secure in our privileges where we are separated from the ugliness of third world or developing countries (which ever one you're more comfortable with). We're only exposed to it when we turn our tv's to CNN, MSNBC or Fox (insert look of horror).

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bagay Sa Difisil

Hi all,
This post is aptly titled, Bagay Sa Difisil (This stuff is hard). I am in the process of writing appeal letters in hopes of getting family members, friends, and associates to donate money to cover daily expenses while I am in Haiti. One may think that Haiti is a relatively inexpensive country because it is "poor", however the cost of transportation, food, and technology (I'm going to have to be able to communicate with people somehow) quickly adds up, no matter which country you are in. This process has been an eye opener. I am not comfortable asking people for favors, so you can imagine how difficult it is to ask for money. If push comes to shove, I'll donate blood or an ovary (just kidding).

Men Anpil Chay Pa Lou (A lot of Hands Make the Load Light)- Haitian Proverb

Pic taken from Google

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Creole Cooking

Diri A Pwa Kongo e Pwason Ros Fri

Welcome, welcome,
I love, adore and delight in the goodness that is Haitian food.  You may ask what constitutes as Haitian food and how is it any different from other Caribbean foods like our neighbor the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, or Jamaica.  I will admit that we eat almost the same staple dishes (rice, root vegetables, lots and lots of meat and fresh being that we are islands) and they are seasoned almost the same way (Adobo, bouillon cubes, scallions, garlic, scotch bonnet peppers).  However, just like your Mom, Grandma Agnes, and Aunt Chrissy make their turkey differently using almost identical ingredients, that is what separates Caribbean food.

*Pou Ki Sa Wap Al Ayiti?

*All of My blog post titles will be in Creole (Google Translate has Haitian Creole)

Although many have been supportive about my decision to go to Haiti for 5 months, everyone I spoke to had questions.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Ayiti Cherie

Thanks for stopping by.  So as of Aug 22nd I am going to be living in Jacmel, Haiti.  I will be volunteering with an organization that provides prenatal and maternal healthcare to women and children in Jacmel.  They host prenatal health classes for people in the community.  

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I’m going to Haiti y’all!!  I’m excited beyond belief.  This has been a dream of mine for several years now if not longer.  If you followed this link from MaiMusings, this is not another style blog; rather this blog is going to chronicle my trip to Haiti, my experiences as a volunteer and any and all things Haiti related.  Stay tuned!